Training A Labrador Retriever Puppy

Training a labrador retriever puppy can begin almost as soon as you bring him home. Like a child, he will learn best through games. Play with your puppy often and get down on the floor with him sometimes if you can. This will create a bond between you that you can build on through training. At around eight weeks your puppy will be able to start to learn to retrieve objects, bring them back to you and let them go at your feet. This is the "fetch" game that he will love all of his life.
To teach this exercise you will need to keep him on a 10-foot lead. Do not use a stick but take a toy that he knows or a soft ball. Make sure it is too big to be swallowed. Wave the toy around his head to get his attention and then throw it about 5 feet ahead. Do not throw it too far. If he comes to the end of the lead suddenly, he could be hurt. Use his name, so your command is "Prince, fetch!"
Follow as he runs to the toy and if he picks it up, give him some encouragement - not too much praise, he is not done yet. If he doesn't take it in his mouth, shake it in front of him until he does. Then walk back to where you started, encouraging him to follow you. If he drops the toy be sure to make him pick it up again. When he arrives back, prise the toy out of his mouth with the command "Out!" Then you can give him lots of praise.
Make sure that this remains a fun game and not a trial for him. He will slowly come to understand what you want and how to get the most praise from you. When he becomes good at retrieving without you having to move out towards the toy, start to throw in different directions.
Labrador retrievers are great swimmers but they do need to learn to swim and develop strength in the swimming muscles. Do not throw or force your puppy into the water. A puppy of around three months old can be encouraged to go into a pond or lake and will soon realize what to do. Wading in with him will help him get started, as will seeing other dogs playing in the water.
If you live near the ocean he will come to love swimming in the sea but for a young puppy big waves can be dangerous. Choose a sheltered bay and have him play in shallow water at first. Do not throw objects out into deep water. Distances can be deceptive and you may throw it so far that he cannot swim back. If he becomes exhausted, he will drown.
It can also be dangerous to let a puppy swim in your pool. If he goes in alone when you are not watching he could swim until he is tired and then be unable to climb out. So when you are training a labrador retriever puppy to swim, be sure to only let him go in places where he can easily get out of the water when he is ready.
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